
How to Join

  • Eligibility:  Application for membership is open to adults without regard to sex, race, religion, sexual orientation, or nationality.  Prospective members may have a member of their choosing as a sponsor, or a sponsor will be provided by the club. Applications for membership must be approved by the Board of Directors.

  • Dues:  Membership dues are $125.00 annually and include Kiwanis District & International dues.  Club meeting dues are $12.50 per meeting, which covers the cost of the meal for lunch.

  • Application Form: Prospective members may obtain a Membership Application Form by clicking on the link below.  When completed, the form should be provided to the sponsoring member or the Club Secretary.                                       

       Kiwanis Membership Application; Click Here-->: KiwanisMembershipApplication


Roster of Current Members

Members may obtain a roster of current members by contacting the Secretary,

Pat Olejniczak, by email at or phone at 920-288-2803.